Late late for work 2 weeks ago:
I woke up late and instead of getting up and getting ready I decided to panic and lay in bed for longer, therefore making the situation worse and becoming even more overwhelmed. It was not fun and it was totally unnecessary because when I got to work no one had died or even cared I was running late.
Late for work this morning:
I took a moment, set a realistic time to leave for work (based off of when I finally got out of bed), and just accepted that I would be a few minutes late. When I got to work no one had died or even cared I was running late.
It's hard to admit sometimes, but so much of life is completely based on how you choose to react to things.
I hope everyone is having a drama free week!
And now you are "that girl" who has not posted on her blog in a week and a half. But, you know, who's counting? :)