Thursday, February 26, 2009

Getting Excited!

This is the view from where I will be staying when I go to Spain in April.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dear Mr. Smith

My love for you grows daily. 
You make me pound on my key board- desperate to be a pro.
Will your essence please radiate from the space between my fingers and these keys?
I want to dance! 
I can't do that either. 

When first we met, I admit my love for you was shallow. Attracted by your tragic death and melancholy  words, a "sad panda" like me needed a wretch like you. 
do do

Then! Your catchy melodies and sound from an era familiar yet before me brought new appreciation and we became friends- the best of them.
I put your songs on my iPod and overdosed. 

Now a middle schooler with an object of affection- every letter signed: XOXOXO

But you remained unknown to me. Each album landed in my brain one by one
building a home,
with a basement,
on a hill. 

Other outlets satisfy my yearnings from time to time, but you always find me and understand that the lesser things in life are necessary for the identification of that which is grand. And Elliott, our love is grand.

Admittedly, I don't know your works in whole. Pieces that others have fearlessly ravaged remain alien to me. The missing bits will approach me in time. I don't go looking. Is that not the curse of any desperate lover?
I have more than I need for now. Any part of you is more than I hope for in another. 
I am in no rush. 
Your life may be over, but mine is ideally
the inverse. 

I will never claim to be your biggest fan, nor the first to profess my love.
All I wish to say dear is this:
Something from you calls to me,
begs me to push out everything from within.
To write my stories, to tell my tale.
No mater how somber, 
no matter how irrationally hopeful,
no matter how naive,
no matter how ultimately disappointing
it can still be:

More than that. It will finally be

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Film You May Not Have Heard Of

Movies are a constant in my life. I love going to the theater and will rarely turn down an invitation. Snakes on a Plane? I was there opening night bitches. Living in New York has oly increased my love for actual theaters because the audiences here are great. Doesn't matter what you see, people fill the seats AND know who the director is.

However, several factors over the past year have caused me to not go as frequently as I normally do. Factors, most of you can relate to such as; money, time, and no one to make out with if the movie stinks. Also, the writer's strike last year didn't exactly make for the best Oscar season. My point is, I've become increasingly picky about what I see in the theater and what can wait for Netflix.

I have a feeling there are others out there in my position, so I wanted to share with you a film called Let the Right One In. Yes, it's about vampires, and yes it contains a lot of vampire movie cliches but it's not your typical twilight type movie, so don't be deterred. To me it felt more like an old-school thriller from the seventies. Some parts are cheesy as hell, but I promise you, you'll be into(at one point I actually pointed at the screen).

All I'm saying is, if you've already seen Slumdog Millionaire and you're looking for something fun and satisfying, check it out. If you insist on being stuck up, then maybe you should go check out Frost/Nixon. And please, let me know how it is because I don't know a single person who's seen it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009


Me: So I was thinking about reading the John Updike Rabbit series

Jen: I've read those, you would like them

Me: They seem interesting, I heard he described the main character as the town itself

Jen: And you love your middle class disillusionment 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

For the New Yorker in You

Two in one day. I know, I'm just to much. Somebody stop me.

I wanted to share this link my friend Virginia sent me. It's proof that once you've spent some time in the city, New York is everywhere.

THIS is why I'm fat.

I keep getting this spam with the subject line: Kathleen, THIS is why you're fat - Please don't be disgusted though, it's NOT your fault." The body of the email goes like this:

Hi Kathleen,

My name is Suzanne, and I'm a real doctor that would like to show you why
you may be "fat" and why you're unable to lose weight no matter how hard you

First off, please always know that it's not your fault...I would like to
show you the disgusting truth right now as to what is keeping you fat!

Press here to see the disgusting truth that is keeping you from losing fat:

After you see what the problem is, I will then show you how easy it is to
finally lose the fat that you want to lose.

Thank you!

Dr. Suzanne

How many times in one email can you use the word disgusting? At lest three. And I still don't know why I'm fat. *sigh*

Monday, February 2, 2009

Arian Nation

Has anyone noticed how all the anchors on CNN (particularly on the morning shows) seem to have bright blue eyes? Am I the only one who's disturbed by this?