Friday, March 20, 2009

The Extra Man Set

Right outside of my office the movie, The Extra Man was being filmed, so we went on down to check it out.
And who did we see but John C. Reilly...

AND Paul Dano (to the right of the camera head turned)...

AND Kevin Kline(below the boom mic)!

Excellent celebrity sighting. 

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nice Use of Modern Technology

I saw this on and thought I would share. Instances like these make me really happy we have the internet and services like flickr. Otherwise this exhibit would only be seen by those who have the time, money, and are in proximity to the museum where they are kept.  

WARNING: a couple of these photos are not for those with weak stomachs. 

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just the Tip

For all my sexually frustrated friends out there, just know, you could be this turtle. Suggestions for the sound the turtle makes include, but are not limited to:

- a ring tone
- mystery sound contest on a local radio station
- remix with a Britney Spears song

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

For Erin

This is why I want a night cap. Also, this video is sweet and so is the blog itself. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Has anyone else ever done this?

Bones by The Killers is much more entertaining if when it gets to the refrain and says, 

"Don't you want to come with me? Don't you want to feel my bones, on your bones? It's only natural. Don't you want to swim with me? Don't you want to feel my skin? On your skin? It's only natural."

You instead sing, "don't you want to feel me skin? My FOREskin?"

It's only natural guys.